The Philadelphia Geological Society (PGS) invites anyone interested in geology to join and benefit from the Society. PGS offers regular opportunities, through its meetings and field trips, for professionals, amateurs, and students to share information and experiences pertaining to the geosciences.

Annual dues are:  _ Full Membership ($10)  _ Student Membership ($5).


Please make checks payable to: Philadelphia Geological Society


And forward to:     Joseph Tomalavage, Secretary / Treasurer

                                Philadelphia Geological Society

                                1429 Shaner Drive

                                Pottstown, PA 19465


In order to ensure that PGS meeting notices get to you in a timely manner, please provide the following information:



Name:  ________________________________________________________


Mailing Address:________________________________________________








Phone: _________________________________________________


Fax: ____________________________________________________


E-mail Address: ____________________________________________________


Area of Professional Practice:_________________________________________




If you have any questions or comments or would like to volunteer to assist PGS in publicity, contacting speakers, or other areas, please contact Joe Tomalavage at (610) 326-2949 or at: